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Click the icon to show more information. Read the FAQ tab to get a better understanding of the data.
Use Foreign Credits to see your to U.S. grade equivalent
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Why do some universities have several different rankings within them?
Our ranking method uses the world rankings of each faculty withing the university, different faculties within the same university have different international reputations. Faculties that are not in the QS Faculty Ranking index will inherit the overall ranking of the university.

What does a dash(-)/N/A mean?
Although we strive to gather as much data as possible, universities occasionally choose not to publish specific data regarding some programs. If you wish to obtain un published data, you may attempt to contact the faculty/department in which the program resides in.

Where was this data extracted from?
If you wish to verify the data with primary sources, you may visit Our Sources page.

Why do some universities share rankings?
Some universities such as University of Manitoba and University of Guelph share rankings because they are within the same ranking range (501-550).

Is the above tuition, the amount of money I will be paying to join a program?
The above tuitions are estimates published by the universities, actual tuition may vary. You will know the precise tuition and fees when a personalized invoice is created. The figures above are in Canadian Dollars, they include tuition for full-time status students and incidental fees, which are mandatory for full-time students.

I did my high school education outside of Canada, how do I know if I meet the cut-off grade?
You may look into the international students database and see what the minimum U.S. grade required for your program; Then use Foreign Credits international converter to check what your grade equivalents are. The conversion is a rough estimate. International students meeting the minimums are not guaranteed acceptance.

Have any questions?
You may contact administration by email if you have any inquiries about Apportal functions.